An Early Death

In the Gospels we see that there were three disciples who tended to be closer to the Lord Jesus, disciples whom the Lord gave more attention to, these were Peter, James and John.  These three were the only witnesses at the raising of Jairus’ daughter, the Mount of Transfiguration, and the prayer in Gethsemane.  These three were always there with Jesus.  James was the brother of John, the beloved.  James was also the first martyr.  What was that about?  Why would James, such a predominant disciple, die so soon?

From our perspective, we would think that the one who was among the closest to the Lord would have lived and ministered the longest.  However, God is in charge and His ways are not always the same as our ways, nor are His thoughts the same as our thoughts,  Isaiah 55:8,9.

There are many things which we cannot understand about why and what God does.  We may not understand what God does, but we can be certain that whatever He does is done in love, for that is one of the very natures of God, 1 John 4:16.

In the lack of understanding about “Why” we need to continue to trust that God will be faithful to His known character traits. Character traits of love, mercy, faithfulness, being just and true.  In these we can rest .

Lord help us to have a confidence and rest in You that goes beyond our understanding.