I got up this morning, went through my early morning routine and sat down with a cup of coffee to read my Bible.  There I read, “O God, You are my God; Early will I seek You; My soul thirsts for You; My flesh longs for You In a dry and thirsty land Where there is no water. (Psalms 63:1 NKJV).”  I thought to myself, yes God, you are my God, and I’m seeking you early.  But the question came to mind.  Am I really seeking you early, is He really a priority in my life?  After all, I had done more than 7 things before I even sat down to be with my God.  Were these things which I did first, my real god, because they took priority in my life, at least in the ordering and the time of events?  This question needs to challenge our hearts. What is the number one thing in our life?  What consumes our thoughts, our time and our energy?

I’m not saying that our priorities of heart are wrong, just because one looks at a small moment of one’s life and God isn’t the first in that small moment.  By looking at that 45 minute time slot, before I had my devotion time, it could appear like my heart was off of the true focus that I know is important.  What actually consumes the thoughts and desires of our heart is more important than appearances.  I could legalistically read and pray before anything else, perhaps even before getting out of bed, but would my heart really be there?  Or do I live my life with a God consciousness and God awareness so that I can honestly say “Oh God, You are my God”?

Lord, I want to have You as number one in my life and I think that You are. If other things are ahead of You, reveal this to me so that I might adjust my life and consistently walk with You as the true God of my life.