Elijah, after a great victory with God in 1 Kings 18, is now running for his life (1 Kings 19:3), because of a threat from Queen Jezebel.  Though the people proclaimed that “The Lord, He is God”, there was no change in the heart of the political leaders.  Elijah feels like he is accomplishing little through his life and he prays that he might die.  Many people may criticize Elijah for his emotional instability, there is great confidence and boldness in 1 Kings chapter 18 and then fearful running and timidity in chapter 19.  Yet, God did not talk about Elijah’s running in fear or Elijah’s cowardly action.  God gives no reference to Elijah as a failure or his weakness, there is no strong rebuking for the fear in Elijah’s heart.  In the next verses, God nourishes Elijah, speaks to him, and encourages him.

We see God challenging Elijah:

  • to set aside the distractions and to hear the soft voice of God (vs. 11,12);
  • to get up and keep going (vs. 15a);
  • to realize that he is not alone and others are standing with him (vs. 18);
  • to refocus on the purpose that God still had for His life, there was much to do (vs. 15-17);
  • and to gather others that would work alongside of him (vs. 16b).

We too can become discouraged, we might feel that we are failures, God would say these same things to us.

Lord, thank You for not discarding us in our times of weakness.  Help us to continue  in the purposes and plans that You have for our lives.