In the book of Revelation the phrase “the great Harlot” is often used. Many commentators have contemplated over what or who this entity is.  Some have postulated that it represents the Roman Catholic Church, or the financial and economic systems of the world, or the “one world government system” headed by the Anti-Christ , or any other system that was strongly present at the time and which seemed to be resisting the church and the people of God.  Perhaps in some measure these might be true, but in Revelation Chapter 19:2 after the declaration that “Salvation and glory and honor and power belong to the Lord our God” we see that such a declaration of praise and honor is because God “has judged the great harlot who has corrupted the earth with her fornications, and He has avenged on her the blood of His servants shed by her”.

Through history there have been many people, institutions and things that have gotten in the way of the servants of God.  There have been many things that have hindered the people of God and have consumed the servants of the Lord or gotten them off track, things like: political rulers like Pharaoh of Egypt or Nero of Rome; ideological positions like communism or evolution; desires like the drive for money or power; or other things.  Whatever this great Harlot is, and whatever the power is that seems to be negatively affecting you, Revelation 19:2 says that God will judge and have victory over that.  There is hope for all of us.  Those things that have pulled us down will be overcome in a permanent way.

Though we may feel that we are not great and quite small yet we can join with the heavenly hosts in declaring that “the Lord God Omnipotent reigns” (Rev 19:6).
