I Have Something For You

   Many Christians feel intimidated by the people around them.  They feel that they have nothing to offer to others, that they have nothing worthwhile to contribute to the conversation, and that if they did say something it would not be of any benefit.  The apostle Paul had an understanding that God had given him something of importance to share with others.  He had a confidence that when he ministered that some form of impartation would take place and that fruit would be produced in the lives of those he ministered to.  Romans 1:11, 12 “For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift, so that you may be established — that is, that I may be encouraged together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me.”
What was that impartation or spiritual gift that he had to offer?  What fruit would he cause to come forth? (Vs. 13)  We are not told what Paul wanted to impart but Paul was aware and confident that something positive would happen if he were there.  Because we have Christ within us, the hope of Glory, we too should expect that God will minister significantly through us, bringing life to others.
Lord, You want to work through me, help me to walk in the confident expectation of this.