None Say “Restore”

I often see people around me with broken marriages, messed up relationships, struggling finances, underpaid jobs, destructive addictions and low self-esteem.  It is sad to see these people live below their potential, the worst part is that they are oblivious to the fact that their lives could be different.  The culture around them, their upbringing or the circumstances of life have brought them to the point of accepting their status without considering whether there might be better options for them.  It is this type of people whom the prophet Isaiah speaks saying, “this is a people robbed and plundered; All of them are snared in holes, And they are hidden in prison houses; They are for prey, and no one delivers; For plunder, and no one says, “Restore!”” (Is. 42:22)  Though the people are going through horrendous situations none cry out for God’s help, none seek God for restoration to the way things ought to be, from God’s perspective.

In Joel chapter 2 God says that if His people will turn to Him, with repentant hearts (Joel 2:12), then God would restore what seemed like the enemy, the disease and the pestilence had removed from them (Joel 2:25).  Unfortunately these people did not know that they were in a state of ruined condition.  Nor did they have anyone from outside who saw their plight and would call out to God on behalf of them.  The greatest need for restoration, that all people have, is to be restored into a close vibrant relationship with God, through the work of Jesus Christ.

Perhaps aspects of your life are messed up and in need of God’s restorative work – take some time to search your heart for areas that as displeasing to God, then turn to him with a repentant heart that He might restore you.  There also may be others that you know, people who are unaware of their messed up situations – these people need you to call out to God on their behalf that God would work in their hearts and lives and that He would restore them.
