She Asked, Yet Jesus Waited

“The woman said to Him, “Sir, give me this water, that I may not thirst, nor come here to draw.” Jesus said to her, “Go, call your husband, and come here.”” (John 4:15) It is interesting that when the Samaritan woman comes to the place of being willing to receive the living water that Jesus is offering her, and she even asks for it that Jesus doesn’t immediately give it to her. Instead He asks her to call her husband. What does the husband have to do with the living water?

As we read further we see that the question Jesus asked is to prepare her for this encounter with the Living God. It starts a chain of discussion and events whereby the woman at the end is in awe over this One Who knows all about her. She is so moved by the encounter with Jesus that she wants to invite all the men who know about her to come and see Jesus.

When we finally get to that point whereby we say “all right Lord, give me the living water, which You provide, which really satisfies”, then God starts us on an adventure, a process, whereby we will experience and see Him in a fresh awe filled way. This journey is to bring us to the place of saying to oneself and to others “come and see ” with a sense that this is “the Christ”, the anointed One.

Lord, give me Your living water. I ask, expecting that through this day such water will be extended so that in You, I will truly be satisfied. I need to walk in confidence of this provision, anticipating and looking for it. Help me to always be aware that Your provision is be there and that if I don’t see your provision it is only because I have been looking in the wrong places – I was focused on the natural when You were trying to minister in and around me in spiritual ways.
