That was Humbling and What a Test!

Have you being going through wilderness experiences lately?  The wilderness is where life seems dry, everything is bleak in appearance and you seem to be going around in circles but never getting anywhere.   Perhaps you have been humbled or maybe even worse, you have been totally humiliated.  Is your life nothing but one big test, and unfortunately is seems like all the studying that you do doesn’t help you pass?  Perhaps you even felt that you were tested and tried beyond what you thought you could bare?  Do not be dismayed God is able to work even through these situations.  In fact, He promises to work in those situations, He promises to work to produce good things.   Deut. 8:16 says that it was the Lord  “who fed you in the wilderness with manna, which your fathers did not know, that He might humble you and that He might test you, to do you good in the end.”  In all that you are going through, as we learn to draw upon the strength of God, as we allow ourselves to become more like Him, as our values more clearly reflect His values, then we will see God working to do good.  The good that He does will be in us, He will touch others through us, and there will be the increase of His Kingdom.  In so doing, God will more clearly establish His covenant upon the earth.

Lord open our eyes that we would see all that we are going through as that which will produce good things in us, in others and in your kingdom.  May we willing submit our lives to you, expecting you to do that which is good.