In Exodus 15, after the Children of Israel are delivered from the armies of Pharaoh a song of victory is proclaimed:
– He has triumphed gloriously vs 1
– The Lord is my strength and my song vs 2
– He has become my salvation vs 2
– The Lord is my God Vs 2
– Your right hand O Lord has become glorious in power Vs 6
– You overthrow enemies in the excellence of Your greatness Vs 7
– Who is like You, O Lord among the Gods Vs 11
– In Your mercy You lead, and You guided them in Your strength Vs 13
These are just a few of the glorious accolades of praise given to God after He has delivered Israel from the chariots and armies of Egypt at the Red Sea. Great praise is offered, yet in the next chapter there is nothing but murmuring and complaining. How quickly we humans forget what has taken place and we quickly turn against the one who has just delivered us. Perhaps this is why the Psalmist encourages us in Psalm 103 to not forget all God’s benefits. This is why Jesus speaks to the churches and says, “Remember therefore how you have received and heard; hold fast and repent … ” (Revelation 3:3). We easily forget what God and others have done for us. In forgetting, our selfishness causes us to quickly turn against those who have done much for us.
Today, November 11th, is Remembrance Day. Here in Canada, we take time to remember those who have given of their lives by fighting in the World Wars, and in other areas of conflict, to enable us to have our freedoms. As we remember what they have sacrificed, might we also remember what our God has done for us. Truly Our Lord has given much for us, may we always be filled with gratitude.
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