A couple of days ago I was challenged as I looked at Paul being willing to lay down his life for the kingdom of The Lord. I’d like to be at that place of self sacrifice for my Lord, I might not be there yet. The giving up or laying down of one’s life is not any easy thing to do. In light of this thought, the psalmist David gives an interesting perspective. “Because Your loving kindness is better than life, My lips shall praise You.” (Psalms 63:3 NKJV) If one is to “lay down their life” then there would need to be a sufficiently strong enough “cause or reason” to do so. There would need to be a great enough reward to warrant giving of one’s life. Here the scripture declares that God’s loving kindness is better than life.
There is something about walking in God’s love and kindness which empowers us to live beyond ourselves. It motivates us to give sacrificially to the One Who gave all to us. There is this power of love that is from beyond ourselves which frees us from the bondage of ourselves. As we focus upon the reality of this love and draw strength from our Lord’s great love and kindness, which can never be removed for us (Romans 8:35-39), then we experience something which is greater than life. With age our lives will cease, but the love and kindness of our lord endures forever.
Lord, may we see and experience greater measures of Your loving kindness and may we truly be able to say, it is better than anything else that life could offer.
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