This week…
School’s Out Party
June 23rd @ 7:11pm – 10:00pm
Our final event of the school year! We’ll be ended this year with a bang! We will fill the night with food & fun! Bouncy games and some free pizza if you’d fancy that! Also, if you are in Grade 12 we have something specifically for you!
Next week…
We take a couple of weeks off before we do our summer programming! We will be having a Bible study every Monday night in July in the youth room from 7:00pm-9:00pm for High School Students (includes those going into grade 9). Tuesdays will be the majority of our summer events. Stay posted!
In July…
Bible Study!
July 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th & 31st
We will be going through one of the books in the Bible together as a group. We will have snacks, worship and chilling out in the youth room.
Next time we meet…
Bubble Soccer
July 11 – 7:00pm-9:00pm – Free
Our first event of the summer is a fun one! Join us as we hang out and play Bubble Soccer together, or just hang out! Meet at the youth room – see you there!
By the way! For at least 2 years we have been supporting Simon Munyaneza as our sponsor child! We hope that our students might have the opportunity to be generous through this sponsorship. We take an offering almost every Friday and invite our students to participate. All of the money goes straight to Simon!
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