Often we will look at what people will go through, their struggles and pains and knowing their lifestyle we will say, “It serves them right.” We evaluate the abusive nature of the person, the aggressiveness, the anger, the self-centred manipulation and the hurtful abuse that we have received and inwardly think that they “got what was coming to them”. They received the consequences for their actions.
But God, though He is the most faithful of judges and just in all His actions, though He is angered over the actions of the wicked, has a different response. In Ezekiel 18:32, in the context of the righteous turning to wickedness, we are told that God “has no pleasure in the death of those that die”. Though it might be true that the person has committed actions deserving of punishment, perhaps even death, the Lord God has no pleasure in this happening.
God’s responses are different from what we might think God to be like. He is not a vindictive or a vengeful God; rather, “The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in mercy..” (Ps. 103:8)
Take several minutes to review past situations where others have wronged you, irritated or hurt you. Then ask God to work within you so that you too would be merciful, gracious, slow to anger, abounding in mercy.
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