We were recently given permission to share this exciting testimony from Kathleen with you:

My husband Michael and I were married in 1987. For most of our marriage we struggled with communication and many other issues. Many times, we honestly didn’t know how we could continue to be married. I remember one day lying on my bed just crying out to God, “Please help us … neither one of us is happy and we are at a loss as to what to do.” We loved each other, but we were both miserable.

A couple weeks later we joined the Love and Respect class by the suggestion of the Pastor. I must admit, I really didn’t have a lot of hope that the class would change anything, but I was willing to give it a shot anyway…

We are both so glad that we joined. The class was humorous, relaxed, enjoyable and very thought provoking.  Michael and I are experiencing a peaceful, loving and respectful marriage now ! Soon we will be happily celebrating our 24th wedding anniversary. I really am very grateful to all those who are organizing and leading these groups. I highly recommend the Love and Respect course to everyone who is married!

May the Lord bless you and your marriages always!



For more information on the Love and Respect course, please click here.