I was talking with John, a young Burmese Buddhist Monk, who is now a strong practicing Christian.  Though he was a strong monk within Buddhism there was a restlessness within him.  John would talk about the peace that he had within himself as he meditated with his Buddhist chants.  However as soon as he ceased meditating, then the anxiety would return, the peace would never last.  No matter how much John sacrificed, or how much he disciplined himself, the peace that he sought would never endure.  Though he might have peace for a moment it never lasted.
John was such a strong Buddhist monk that he obtained a Bible just to read it and then to prove it was wrong.  When reading the Bible he made a list of what he thought were contradictions which he would use to refute Christians.  But then John became seriously ill.  A severe sickness compounded with gallstones filled his body with pain.  Nothing seemed to help.  The doctors could not help the severe sickness.  Then he remembered reading in the Bible that Jesus healed people of their sickness.  He became interested in Christianity as he remembered these verses, and went to some Christians to get help.  Before being willing to trust the Jesus was God, John asked, “Jesus, if you are the living God, then heal me.”  Within a day he was healed.
Once John became a Christian he stated that one of the greatest blessings from being a Christian was the lasting peace that Jesus provided in every situation.  John stated that the lasting nature of this peace was more memorable and significant to him than the healing he had received.
Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid, John 14:27”.  You may call unto God and you may or may not seem to be healed, but God will give his peace to all those that sincerely commit their lives to Him.