Read Exodus 3:2,3. Is it possible to burn for The Lord in such a way that one is not consumed?   This would necessitate that The Lord provide the energy, that He provide the substance being burned and that it is not by our energy or strength that the burning takes place. No wonder we get weary in well doing, we are being consumed because we are ministering under the wrong source of power. It is ourselves that are burning  and not the Lord’s energy.

Secondly, when God is burning by His Spirit do we take the time to turn aside and investigate what God is doing or wanting to do. Many times we just go on with no change of direction or purpose within ourselves. This burning bush is a “great sight” to Moses. To most of us it would have just been a fire. There are fires everywhere yet turning to see this special fire became the first step of many steps towards greatness.  In this action God calls Moses.

In Exodus 3:6-10, before even mentioning God’s purposes for Moses, God lists the reason for the calling. It is not about Moses it is about the need of the people who have been crying out to Him. It is about the destination of these people.  The blessed place that is available for them.   This so clearly shows that the calling is not about us but about and for the people to whom God sends.

For each of us there is a burning bush, something that many would never stop to examine, but if we would take the time to turn from our business we would take the first step towards God’s purposes for our live.  Then for each of us there is a people whom God wants us to minister.   In the calling of God and the working of God through us and in us, His energy keeps us from being burnt out.  To whom is God sending you, how does He want you to minister to these, whose energy will you use to do this work?