“Thriving in Babylon” FREE Video Conference

We live in a fast-changing and seemingly godless society. How can we spiritually survive in this increasingly hostile environment? Larry Osborne uses the example of Daniel who was exiled in Babylon, to show how the power of hope, humility, and wisdom helps us not only survive, but thrive in our culture.

Event Details:
Free Video Conference “Thriving in Babylon” with Larry Osborne
Saturday, September 19, 2020 @ 7 PM
Church of the Rock – Theatre
RSVP required by Wed Sept 16th at https://churchoftherock.brushfire.com/focas/477425


FOCAS events during COVID:
We believe that there is great value in coming together as a church and as a group, so while FOCAS will look different this year, we plan to run events that follow provincial guidelines.

Physical distancing will be required for our events to continue, so we implore you to show respect for your fellow members by keeping a 2-metre distance. Hand sanitizer will be provided, masks are encouraged but not currently required. Those who have travelled within 14 days, are sick, or have come in contact with a positive COVID-19 case are asked to not attend.

Spots will be limited to accommodate physical distancing and only those who have RSVP’d by the event deadline will be allowed to attend. We will also be unable to arrange informal coffee outings after our events.

We hope to see you at an event soon!