Me Serve … Them?

"Why should I serve them, they should be serving me."  We often evaluate others and then place ourselves in some form of hierarchy or scale by which we determine where…
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Start Singing!

It used to be that people would sing when they worked or as they went about with life. However now people are becoming more individualistic and more self conscious.  Singing…
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No Longer Lonely

We live in a busy culture, people are socially connected; through Facebook, twitter, text messaging, and emails, yet in the midst of this people are feeling more lonely then ever…
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What’s Got Your Heart?

If possible take a moment to read through Deuteronomy chapter 15.  Through this chapter God speaks about the regular seven year release of the debts and about ministry to the…
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He Owes Me An Apology

"He could have at least have said 'thank you.'"  "He should have helped me out."  "She should have called me back". What positive things are you anticipating that people will…
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We Don’t Let Them Know

"Nevertheless even among the rulers many believed in Him, but because of the Pharisees they did not confess Him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue; for they…
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Submit To A Heathen Kingdom

Jeremiah chapter 27 contains an interesting prophecy from The Lord. God says that He is raising up Nebuchadnezzar, the king of the Babylonians, to rule over the entire region and…
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Good Results Made An Idol

In childhood we learn through our successes and failures.  When we try something and get poor results we remember either not to try that again or if we do try…
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Testimony – Healed of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

This wonderful praise report was submitted to our website on June 5th, 2013. I thank the Lord for: A while back I sent a prayer request for my nephew (age…
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Whose Rod Did They Use?

In Exodus Moses is concerned about who would believe the words that he would speak and what authority would he have. In chapter 4, God tells Moses to throw down…
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