No Threat

We can value many different things in life; riches, fame, education, security, love, possession, athletic ability, etc. In the face of all that could captivate our heart, Jesus speaks and…
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What Would It Take?

In Matthew 11, John the Baptist is in prison and is questioning whether Jesus was the Messiah or if there is another one who should be looked to, (vs. 1-3). …
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The Blessing

What would it take to convince you that Jesus is alive, that He is concerned about you and that He is fulfilling His promises?  In Matthew 11 we see that…
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What Will I Say?

One of the greatest fears that we can have in trying to share our faith is that we would not have the right words to say.  We fear saying the…
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I Fit In

There are times when one's heart is filled with joy and confidence.  As a believer one walks with boldness inwardly declaring that "I am a child of the King, His…
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