All My Springs

Our North American lifestyle can be very busy, we cram our lives filled with activities, work, and pleasure.  We try to squeeze much into the moments we have.  Perhaps this hectic busyness is an attempt to obtain something.  Whether we are trying to obtain possessions, money, status, friendships, approval, emotional or physical rewards – we press into more activity, so that we can obtain more.
In Ps 87:7 the Psalmist says that “All my springs are in you.”  Springs of water were important geographical features in the arid countryside of Palestine.  Pools of water could provide needed supplies for bathing, cooking or even consumption, but there was always the concern that the water might become stagnant or contaminated from misuse or from nearby cattle.  But springs of water provided a constant fresh source of clean usable drinking water.
In the context of Psalm 87, the psalmist is declaring the virtues of Zion, the City of God.  In a symbolical and literal way, the concept of the City of God refers to the Church, the gathering together of God’s people.  Through this psalm the Psalmist declares that life and joy can be experienced by properly relating to the Lord God and His people.
Can you declare that you receive life from being with God’s people?  We are created by God to be people in relationship.  In the context of healthy spiritual relationships we can experience that which will satisfy us, just as springs of water satisfy those in arid regions.